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Gary Stager Media Library


The following videos are a good representation of my work as a conference keynote speaker and educational consultant. The production values vary, but my emphasis on creating more productive contexts for learning remains in focus.

View Gary Stager’s four previous TEDx Talks from around the world

Recent Podcasts

In our final episode of @The Meadow, Joseph Carver is thrilled to sit down with Dr. Gary Stager, one of the world’s leading experts and advocates for computer programming, robotics and learning-by-doing in classroom. They have a wide-ranging conversation about what is working and what is not working in classrooms, the nature of EdTech and even a little bit about artificial intelligence.

A recording/cross-posting of a recent keynote (January 2024) for the EduFab Foundation’s Educators Summit.

“15 for 15 Tinkering” Episode 1: (Gary S. Stager on the CMK Institute) from WICO on Vimeo.

From the Better Learning Podcast
Rethinking Education From Authoritarianism to Empathy
Mar 6, 2024
Gary Stager, a seasoned teacher educator, voices his frustration with the prevailing state of education. His insights, shared in a recent conversation with Kevin Stoller, delve deep into the challenges and opportunities within our educational systems. Read more…

The Large Learning Podcast with Adrian Camm & Kade Greenland.
Gary Stager was interviewed by Adrian Camm, principal of Victoria, Australia’s Westbourne Grammar School in this terrific conversation about teaching and learning in the age of AI. (November 2023)

Dr. Gary Stager and the new, now, and wow in technology
Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership
(November 2023)

The Art of Teaching podcast with Matthew Green
The transformative power of jazz, unpacking the art of teaching and life-changing lessons from Seymour Papert. (October 2023)

Dr. Gary Stager on artificial intelligence – origins, misconceptions and applications
Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership
(October 2023)
eSchoolNews Podcast
The Advent of AI
Three edtech luminaries tackle the pitfalls and promises of Artificial Intelligence and education. (eSchool News – October 2023)
Carl Hooker & Gary Stager Podcast
Embracing The Power Of Computer Science: Constructing a Better Path for Learning with Gary Stager in conversation with Carl Hooker. Constructing a Better Path for Learning with Gary Stager (Summer 2023)

Ed Leaders 2023 Podcast
Gary’s recent conversation with two Aussies about leadership and education. (Summer 2023)

Gary Stager speaks on the topic of “What can AI really do for education” for the Future Learning Design Podcast (Gary begins at 1:37:00) (Spring 2022)

ary Stager Insights on Learning: Coding, ChatGPT Hype, and the Quest for Timeless Education (2023)

What Makes a Good Project? – Transformative Learning Experiences with Kyle Wagner (2022)

Tech in STEM – University of Southern Mississippi Speaker Series – February 2022

Interview with Gary Stager – “Kids Need to Spend Time in the Company of Interesting Adults” (2022)

Outside the Classroom conversation about learning with Dean Shareski (2022)

Mindshare Learning Moment at COSN 2022 with Dr. Gary Stager about his new book.

An Amazing Day of STEAM Learning Adventures with Gary Stager

Will Richardson & Gary Stager Podcast
EDU and AI with Gary Stager and Will Richardson (January 2023)

In this 2023 conversation with Lucy Gray, Gary discusses AI in education and a host of other issues based on his experience. This was part of Lucy’s Actionable Innovations Global conversation series.

Instruction is Overvalued
Coconut Thinking Podcast (May 2022)


Rethinking Tinkering – keynote address at the virtual EduFab Conference, January 26, 2024

Keynote address at the virtual MakerEd Unconference, June 30, 2020

Gary Stager Modern Learners Podcast with Bruce Dixon and Will Richardson April 26, 2018 (full screen)

Gary Stager’s keynote address – Cairo, Egypt 2017

Gary Stager’s April 2017 Keynote Address in Sofia, Bulgaria

Gary Stager: My Hope for School

A terrific 2016 short public school documentary featuring Dr. Stager

Learning to Play in Education: Joining the Maker Movement
A public lecture by Gary Stager at The Steward School, November 2015

A Broader Perspective on Maker Education – Interview with Gary Stager in Amsterdam, 2015

Choosing Hope Over Fear from the 2014 Chicago Education Festival

This is What Learning Looks Like – Strategies for Hands-on Learning, a conversation with Steve Hargadon, Bay Area Maker Faire, 2012.

Gary Stager “This is Our Moment “ – Conferencia Anual 2014 Fundación Omar Dengo (Costa Rica)
San José, Costa Rica. November 2014

TEDx Talk, “Seymour Papert, Inventor of Everything*

Ten Things to Do with a Laptop – Learning and Powerful Ideas
Keynote Address – ITEC Conference – Des Moines, Iowa – October 2011

Plenary Talk at Construtionism 2014 Conference
Vienna, Austria. August, 2014

Children, Computing and Creativity
Address to KERIS – Seoul, South Korea – October 2011

Gary Stager Discusses 1:1 Computing with leading Costa Rican educators
University of Costa Rica – San José, Costa Rica – June 2011

“Classic” Videos

Gary Stager’s Plenary Address at the Constructionism 2010 Conference
Paris, France – August 2010

Dr. Stager interviewed by ICT Qatar
Doha, Qatar – Spring 2010

Gary Stager Excerpts from NECC ’09 Keynote Debate
June 2009 – Washington D.C.

For more information, go to:

Learning Adventures: Transforming Real and Virtual Learning Environments
NECC 2009 Spotlight Session – Washington, D.C. – June 2009
More information may be found at

Disappeared podcasts & videos 🙁
Life Lesson – Don’t trust “the cloud”

A particularly good audio podcast with Gary Stager (2016)

Progressive Education and The Maker Movement – Symbiosis or Mutually Assured Destruction? (approx 45:00 in)
FabLearn 2014 Paper Presentation
October 2014. Stanford University

Keynote Address: Making School Reform
FabLearn 2013 Conference.
October 2013. Stanford University.

Making, Love, and Learning
February 2014. Marin County Office of Education.

© 2009-2023 Gary S. Stager – All Rights Reserved Except TEDxNYED & Imagine IT2 clip owned by producers